Overall objective
The overall objective of the project of which this contract will be a part is as follows:
The day-to-day running of the EU Information and Cultural Centres in Pristina and North Mitrovica. The EU Information and Cultural Centres will promote EU agenda in Kosovo, opportunities for its inhabitants and the role of the EU Office in this process, particularly through outreach and media campaigns, in order to make the European agenda as tangible as possible to the people.
The purposes of this contract are as follows:
- To improve and enhance accessibility of EU related information and opportunities to the public and interested stakeholders.
- To assist the EU Office in successfully implementing its communication strategies;
- To efficiently manage and operate the EU Information Centres in Pristina and North Mitrovica as well as all related information activities;
- To support EU related events and networks that will create maximum impact in terms of EU visibility in Kosovo and foster public debate on the EU;
- To increase the knowledge and understanding of EU policies, objectives, priorities, institutions, programmes and perspectives among the population at large, as well as to dispel the myths and misconceptions on the EU accession process;
- To increase the awareness of the SAA and related instruments (ERA, ERP), the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) Programme in Kosovo and EU priorities in general through outreach and media campaigns, success stories and projects.
- Increasing synergies with multipliers and other interested parties in providing information on the EU agenda in Kosovo.
Results to be achieved by the Contractor
- Fully operational EU Information and Cultural Centres in Pristina and North Mitrovica
- Events organised and hosted by EUICC, particularly Europe Day events, including Europe Day reception
- Kosovo-wide outreach and media campaigns on specific priority policy areas of EU support successfully designed and conducted
- EU information materials (publications, leaflets, feature stories, videos and other AV materials) and visibility items produced and distributed; EU publications translated and printed
- Public opinion polls and focus groups on EU issues conducted
- Social media and web content regularly produced and updated, including redesigned monthly electronic EUICC news blog; EUICC website upgraded and redesigned
- Synergies established and maintained with relevant stakeholders