Training for Legal Trainees Continued
Fourth training of legal trainees working with the Free Legal Aid project was organized from June 6- 9, 2017 in Belgrade. On the first day of the training, the trainees had the opportunity to listen to the presentation of the Commissariatta for Refugees and Migrations’ representative, in collaboration with the project’s legal advisors, on status and reception of returnees upon readmission agreements, which covered the problems returnees face. The trainees were informed on the common challenges returnees face, with the accent on the mechanisms of fee legal aid available to this group.
The focus for the other three days was on the work of the temporary institution Constitutional Court in Pristina and property rights, as well as the implementation of international standards and norms before courts in Kosovo and Metohija and the activity of The Hague Conference on Private International Law, presented by docents of the University of Pristina.
This training, which is a part of the program of the project “Protection and Promotion of Property Rights of Internally Displaces People, Refugees and Returnees Upon Readmission Agreements”, will continue in July, where the topics of implementation of basic human rights international standards in courts and other institution in Kosovo and Metohija will be further covered.