The project Support to evidence-based employment policy creation is implementing trainings

The project Support to evidence-based employment policy creation is implementing trainings – Two Important Surveys Among Employers will Start in April 2013

Category: News

On 15th of April, in the Media Center, a Press Conference of the project has been organized. The conference aimed to present the project and announce the upcoming important project activities.

The Ministry of Employment, Labour and Social Policy and the National Employment Service, supported by the project team, will launch two very important national surveys among employers of Serbia in April 2013. The surveys are assisted by the EU IPA 2011 project ”Support to evidence-based employment policy creation”.

Both surveys are of profound importance. The feedback from employers will be used for improving the results of employment policy and improving responsiveness of educational system to the labour market needs.

More than nes project10.000 companies will be asked to participate in the surveys – some of them will be visited and interviewed by the councillors’ from the National Employment Service and some will be asked to respond in electronic form.

The first of the surveys – the Employer Survey – will be focused on the needs/ demands of employers in terms of the workers’ skills and possible niches for expanding employment. The NES will use the results obtained for planning active measures for 2014 (job broking, training, guidance). It will also help educational institutions on the local level to shape their offer in accordance with the existingnes 4 demand.  It is already the third survey of this kind to be performed in Serbia. Results of previous surveys have been used for planning services for the unemployed in 2012 and 2013.

The aim of the second survey (the Survey on Occupations) is to collect information on existing occupations in the companies and prepare descriptions of occupations in line with their characteristics (tasks performed, educational background, qualifications and skills required). The national classification of occupations has not been updated in Serbia since 1990. Thanks to the survey it will be updated, adapted to the needs of economy and adjusted to international standards (ISCO 2008 standards). The new classification will help the NES to improve vocational counselling and will help to adjust the offer of vocational schools to labour market requirements.