Mobile Team Visited clients in Kragujevac
Junior Legal Advisor Nikola Lazic and trainees Biljana Andrjievic and Jelena Milosevic spoke on June 22 June, 2017 in Kragujevac with eight internally displaced people who were, due to health or financial reasons, unable to visit one of the project’s office and submit their applications for free legal aid.
Three- member mobile team met with five clients, IDPs from Pec, Srbica, Djakovica and Vitina, at the office of the trustee for refugees and migratons in Kragujevac, where they presented their unsolved property and legal disputes. The Legal Advisors collected the documentation needed for cae opening and determined that one case does not have any legal issues
The mobile team made four house visits on the same day and spoke with the internally displaced people from Pec and Djakovica, who, due to their bad health could not come to the traustee’s office in Kragujevac. It is determined that two clients have troubles obtaining the property certificate, while in other two cases, the issue is damaged property. All of them are currently the clients of the project.
The media in Kragujevac showed interest in spreading the information on the free legal aid and inform citizens on how they can contact the project. Juior Legal Advisor Nikola Lazic was a guest of the Radio station „Zlatousti“ program „From 10 to 1“. You can listen to the interview here.
The visit to Kragujevac is the third field visit that the EU Project „Protection and Promotion of Property Rights of Internally Displaces People, Refugees and Retunrees Upon Readmission Agreements“ implements in collaboration with the Comessariat for Refugees and Migrations in order to increase availabilty of legal aid for these volunerable groups.
More information can be found on project web site: http://www.pravnapomoc.org/