European Consulting Group participated in the Workshop “Fostering Development of Serbian MSMEs in the Year of Entrepreneurship by enabling new Financial Institutions”

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On Thursday, 02 June 2016, in BelgradeSerbian Association of ManagersEuropean Consulting Group, the Association of Business Women in Serbia in cooperation with the European Investment Bank organised the workshop Fostering Development of Serbian MSMEs in the Year of Entrepreneurship by enabling new Financial Institutions”.

Workshop participants were entrepreneurs and representatives of the banking sector and the main goal was fostering policy dialogue in the presence of decision makers in order to discuss about policy options for future, including possibility to establish Development Bank and create regulatory conditions for other forms of providing credit to entrepreneurs at reasonable cost.

Keynote speakers: Gattini Luka (European Investment Bank), Dr. Vladimir Medan (Belgrade Banking Academy), Srdjan Bogosavljevic (IPSOS), Vladimir Jovanović (USAID Business Enabling Project), Miroslav Vujnović (European Consulting Group). Moderator and initiator of the workshop was Danijel Pantic (European Consulting Grou and member of the Management Board of the Serbian Association of Managers).

Conclusion: establishing an independent expert group to further analyze the problem of improving the financing of the private sector in Serbia.