Published: 27.02.2015.
Status: Past projects, Ref. number: EuropeAid/129575/C/SER/BA, Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Donor: /, Consortium: /, Project website: /
Start date: 01.09.2012. – End date: 31.05.2014.
The overall objective of the project is to improve the competitiveness and productivity of the specific community and economic impact of Bosnia & Herzegovina to be able to participate more actively in the European Research area and to be more involved in international scientific cooperation through the FP7, COST and EUREKA programmes.
The purposes of this contract are as follows:
Component 1: Innovation System Development – strengthen the innovation network of Bosnia and Herzegovina, notably through support and development of activities of three innovation centres (Banja Luka, Zenica and Mostar), and thereby reinforce the country’s position in the Western Balkans and European Research Areas to enable them to joint, in the future, EU networks of business and innovation centres (such as the Enterprise Europe Network).
Component 2: Research and Innovation Support Measures – further assist and strengthen the capabilities of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the entity ministries to design and implement support measures assisting uiniversities, public research organisation and businesses to undertake research and innovation projects.
Component 3: Implementation of the STI Statistics Action Plan – support the execution of the action plan of the STI Statistics Manual for Bosnia and Herzegovina, in order to ensure that BiH is able to provide by 2012, the minimum set of statistics required by Eurostat/OECD.
The Project is funded by the European Union and implemented from September 2012 until May 2014, by ECG in Consortium with the Lithuanian Innovation Centre and the Austrian Council.